Featured on France Musique!

please check the link below



3/28 (Sun), 7:30pm. Live at Scholes Studio.

I’m super excited to announce that I will be playing with these two amazing musicians that I love @joefarnsworthdrums and @marty_kenney_ this Sunday (3/28, 7:30 pm). Time to Swing!!!! I will also be playing some of my compositions from my recent album , “Are you ready?”and there will be Q&A time at the end of the concert as well. You are all invited and I will meet you there!

Here is the link for the show. Please set an alarm!


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Jazz at lincoln center’s monthly jazz album roundup

I’m super excited that my album is listed on Jazz at lincoln center’s monthly jazz album roundup!! Thank you!
You can pre-order at https://jiheeheo.bandcamp.com/album/are-you-ready
Please stay tuned!

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